Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. This is another lifestyle blog where I will write different themes. Why then the title of the season? The answer is very simple. I love the seasons and their beauty. I hope you'll enjoy it and enjoy reading my blog. xx Laura


Are you different?

Hello everyone and welcome to the first post this year. I hope you have spent the holidays well and are ready for the new year, filled with goals. the season of the cold began, and I was a victim so I managed to take the time to write the post. I was thinking of one interesting topic that she could share with you. Do you know how people say that people change by the coming of the new year? 
My first conclusion is that there are people who, over certain years, fail to realize themselves in nothingness, find their way and meet their goals. they are not satisfied with the achievements so they are so determined to change, and the new year is perfect for it. new year, new life page. The other conclusion is no. some people simply stay forever as they are, do not work on themselves, and do not get drunk. they do not see the new year as new beginnings and new advances, but as an ordinary day where the celebration of the new year is celebrated. Which is the conclusion at the end?
I still think every men is talking to himself. We are all different. Some people decide to keep certain changes in the upcoming year and may cope with this, while some people fail to bring their new decision to the goal. What do you think? xxLaura

3 komentara:

  1. Whether people choose the new year to start fresh or continue on in the same way...power to them! I personally love coming up with goals at the beginning of the year.

  2. Post je odličan i jako mi se dopada. Iskreno mislim da svi, koji donesu odluku za to, mogu da se promijene nabolje. Svaki dan je novi početak. Ja sam čak za to da ne treba čekati Novu, već početi odmah. Ali, naravno, postoje ljudi koji jednostavno stoje u mjestu i ne razmišljaju ni o kakvoj promjeni. Uživala sam čitajući.❤️

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